Monday, April 12, 2010

Andrea's Trip to the Countryside

Last weekend I got to take a trip to the countryside with a friend to visit her family. On Saturday we took a two hour bus ride, including a 20 minute ferry ride across the river, to get there. Her family was so gracious. Her mom made great food, and I got to go to the handbag factory where she works! We toured the city on their electric bikes so I could see fields of flowers and blooming fruit trees, visit the Buddhist temple, buy nectarines from a roadside vendor, and see my friend's high school. On Sunday we had a traditional breakfast of rice porridge and a salty duck's egg. When we finished, we got to go to the market and help her mom cook lunch. By the time we left in the afternoon I was exhausted but so thankful for the opportunity to experience life outside the city.


  1. Andrea! Too many things to comment on! Sounds like you had a great time! Salty duck's egg?.. is that something I can Google? The pig's feet.. I'm assuming you eat them? what is the preparation like?

    oh yeah... SWEET scooter pic, only a wheelie could make it better :-)

  2. Love Wikipedia :-)

  3. Nice! Glad Wicki could help you out. The egg wasn't bad. Ate it with some rice porridge. The pig's feet... I haven't tried them - that I know of!

  4. LOL! Maybe that was the "gelatenous meat" Eric had on HIS "trip to the country side." (*shudder*) :-)
